Hydroikos Ltd.
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      Project Experience
Wetland Restoration and Management
We have many years of experience in the planning and detailed conceptual design of wetland restoration projects. This has included measurement of tide heights and derivation of local tidal datums, modeling of tidal circulation in muted tidal wetlands to predict modified tidal regimes, modeling the accumulation of fine sediment in marshes, developing geomorphic relationships for use in channel design, and assisting clients with permitting problems.

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Watershed Management and Water Quality
Watershed management draws not only on the disciplines of hydrology and geomorphology, but also on biogeochemistry. We have many years of experience in evaluating effects of land management on stream nutrient loads, water quality, erosion and sedimentation. We work closely with geomorphologists to develop plans and programs for controlling sediment and temperature impacts of land management.

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Stream Restoration and Management
Our experience in stream restoration and management includes developing enhancement plans for urban streams, contributing to Environmental Impact Reports, determining the limits of "Ordinary High Water", and helping clients with difficult permitting and compliance issues. Our Affiliated Staff includes a water resources engineer and a fisheries biologist, giving us the full range of expertise and experience needed to tackle complex hydraulic and aquatic habitat problems.

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Limnology and Lake ManagementLake Tahoe
We have worked on a wide variety of lakes in California, include Lake Tahoe, a mid-elevation lake in the Sierra Nevada, and saline recreational lakes around San Francisco Bay. Problems addressed include impacts of climate change on lake thermal structure, accelerated eutrophication associated with watershed development and urban runoff, microbiological effects of recreational use, and sedimentation. On these projects, we collaborate closely with biologists and water resource engineers, who apply numerical models to analyze lake circulation problems.

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Hydroikos Ltd.
2512 Ninth Street, Ste. 7
Berkeley, California 94710